AAT Q2022

AAT Q2022


AAT Q2022 – The low down…

The AAT regularly reviews and updates its qualifications to ensure that they reflect what employers and the industry needs. On 1 September 2022, the AAT will introduce the new Qualifications 2022 (otherwise known as Q2022), which are the new versions of its bookkeeping and accounting qualifications.  

The new Q2022 Accounting and Bookkeeping qualifications will replace the current AQ2016 qualifications. 

Don’t worry if you are still on the AQ16 syllabus, the Q2022 will not impact your qualification and will still be valid.


So, what’s changing?

Qualification Names

The names of the qualifications are changing from being called Foundation, Advanced and Professional they are now known as Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4. 

Three Qualifications Removed – 

The AAT is not replacing the current Access Award in Accounting Software, Foundation Award in Accounting Software and the Foundation Diploma in Accounting and Business. If you were considering studying any of these qualifications, you must register for them before 31 August 2022. You’ll then have until 30 September 2023 to complete these qualifications. 

Number of Assessments –  

The AAT is reducing the number of assessments, which is great news!  

The Level 2 Accounting course is being reduced to 4 assessments instead of 5. The L3 Accounting course is being reduced to 4 assessments instead of 6 and finally, the L4 Accounting course is being reduced to 5 assessments instead of 6. 

Synoptic Assessments –  

Currently, the AQ2016 Foundation, Advanced and Professional accounting qualifications all include a synoptic assessment. For Q2022, the only qualification that will include a synoptic assessment is the Level 2 Certificate in Accounting.  

Membership Fees –  

The annual membership fee that students currently pay is being removed for students studying the Q2022 qualifications. The AAT understands that their qualifications often take longer than a year to complete and so students will only pay a one-off registration fee for each course. This will give them lifetime access to that level. As well as registering you for the chosen qualification, the one-off registration fee will enable you to sit your assessments, and give you access to AAT’s study support resources as well as other benefits.

Please bare in mind that you will still have to pay for your assessments when these are booked just like you did for the AQ2016 Syllabus.

What you need to do…  

When the AAT launches the new versions of the qualifications on 1 September 2022, you’ll have two options for completing your qualification:  

  1. You can continue with your studies and complete them on the current AQ2016 version of your qualification. You can renew your membership after 1st September 2022, and the fees will vary depending on when the renewal date is. You don’t have to do it before Q22 is released. If you’re unable to complete your qualification by the last assessment date, you’ll then have to register and pay for the Q2022 version of the qualification. You’ll need to sit any additional assessments for units that weren’t completed and/or cannot be transferred. If your student membership is active and you’ve achieved at least one of the assessments on your current AQ2016 qualification, you’ll be eligible to pay the one-off transfer fee, instead of the one-off registration fee.
  2. You can transfer your current qualification onto the new Q2022 qualification. Most assessments achieved on the AQ2016 qualifications can transfer directly over to Q2022. However, there will be some exceptions. If a student wants to transfer to the Q2022 qualification, they may be eligible to pay a one-off transfer fee, instead of the one-off registration fee. To be eligible, they must have an active student membership and have successfully completed at least one of the assessments on the AQ2016 qualification they are studying. For students who have completed assessments on AQ2016 and transfer to Q2022, most of the results will transfer at the percentage result that they have achieved. There are some exceptions to this where multiple AQ2016 units are combined into one Q2022 unit, or there is no equivalent unit to transfer.

Consider your options and discuss them with us so you make the right choice for you – it is important to speak to us about your options before you decide. 

Important dates you need to know…

31 AUGUST 2022  

This is the last date for students to register for one of the AQ2016 qualifications.


This is the first date students can register onto the new accounting and bookkeeping qualifications – Level 1, 2, 3 and 4, under the banner of Q2022.  

30 SEPTEMBER 2023 

This is the last chance for students to sit an assessment on any of the current AQ2016 qualifications. However, please note that some of the final Synoptic windows may be before this date. So, make sure to check the AAT’s synoptic calendar to make sure you have booked this in on time. 

We hope this has helped you understand a little more about the new AAT Q2022 Syllabus, but if you have any questions or are unsure where to start, then please do get in contact with one of our friendly team on one of the methods below:

Call us: 01392 435349

Email us: [email protected]

Message us on Facebook

Accountancy Learning

Accountancy Learning Ltd specialises in the provision for accountancy training. We offer a wide spectrum of courses in accountancy and bookkeeping from beginner's level to the full AAT Accounting Technician qualification centered around our Virtual Learning Environment, Moodle. We also provide impartial advice on progression options to ACA, ACCA, CIMA, and ATT.

About Accountancy Learning

Accountancy Learning Ltd specialises in the provision for accountancy training. We offer a wide spectrum of courses in accountancy and bookkeeping from beginner’s level to the full AAT Accounting Technician qualification centered around our Virtual Learning Environment, Moodle. We also provide impartial advice on progression options to ACA, ACCA, CIMA, and ATT.

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